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Living in Fellowship Everyday

Click link to join a LifeGroup

as One

Name: as ONE

Facilitators: Alton and Dena Hunt - 828-584-4478

Day and time of meetings:  2nd & 4th Wednesdays @ 6PM

Location: various homes of group members

Child Care: no

Composition of group: married couples

Group purpose: training and bible study in various aspects of marriage to enhance the marriage bond, while pursuing and building authentic relationships that will produce disciples of Christ.


Name: Doves

Facilitator: Kim Logan 828-437-9202

Day and time of meetings: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays @ 6PM

Location:  New Day Christian Church- Classroom

Child Care: no

Composition of group:  Ladies

Group purpose:  Fellowship and to develop Godly women of the word through the study of His Word.


La Familia

Name: Embers

Facilitators: Lillian & Wayne Logan 828-669-2451

Day and Time:  Every other Sunday immediately following church.

Location: Primary location is NDCC

Child Care: no

This small group is for: Married Couples

Purpose: Walking out our marriage according to God's way not man's. To share our joy's and struggle's in allowing everyone to see that a good marriage does not go without challenges but to know the key to working through those challenges and having a healthy marriage is found in God's word.




Facilitator: Sondra Conley 433-6066

Date and Time: 2nd & 4th Wednesday @ 6PM 

Location: Meet at NDCC

Child Care: no

Composition of group: This small group is for women of all ages

Group purpose:  The purpose of this small group is 
to pray and study the word of God, becoming disciples of Jesus of Christ, being active in the community through outreach and developing genuine fellowship among one another.


Name: La Familia

Facilitator: Tim and Naomi Smith 828-439-9385

Date and Time: Every other Sunday immediately after church for lunch and small group.

Location: New Day Christian Church

Family Small Group: A family small group is when the children are included with the adults in a Christ centered environment. Each get-together will be a good experience for each member of the family as we practice community living. There will be Bible study, food, games, group outings and prayer. Together we are helping families thrive!

Modern Day Knights

Name: Modern Day Knights

Facilitator: Pastor George Logan

Date and Time: Thursday mornings @ 6AM

Location: New Day Christian Church

Childcare available: no

This small group is for: Primarily for Fathers with sons but open also to all Fathers

Group Purpose: Modern Day Knights small group is to equip fathers to become role models to their children by applying the principles of fatherhood and leadership found in God's word.

Phone: 828-433-8465


Name: Restore

Facilitator:  Stacy & Gina Ellis

Location: Home of Gina & Stacy Ellis

Date and Time:  2nd and 4th Wednesdays @ 6PM

Composition of Group: Couples Group; not limited to married couples

Group Purpose: The purpose of this life group is to be transformed by the Word of God and discover how God's word has the power to heal and resotre back to you His promises.

Phone: 828-438-3820

Outside the Wire

Name: Outside the Wire

Date and time: Wednesdays @ 6PM

Location: NewDay Christian Church

This Small Group is for: Men who are ready to lead their families and community in a spiritual battle and to take the fight to the enemy!

Small Group Leader: Michael Logan 828-433-8465



Name: Groups

Facilitator:  Keith Conley

Location: At New Day Christian Church

Date and Time:  Sunday Mornings before service @ 8:15 AM. This life group will run from Sept. 20-Dec. 31,2015.

Composition of Group: Open to anyone

Group Purpose: The curriculum will be "Groups, The Life Giving Power of Community".  The purposse of this group is to help understand the concept and power behind being a part of a life group.

Phone: 828-433-6066

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